Legal Protections - Queer Resource Center

Queer Resource Center

Legal Protections for LGBTQIA2S+ Individuals

If there is a special request, please email the Special Programs Clerk, Robin Bonner at, or if you have expertise in a particular area or identity and would like a chance to share your knowledge, please let us know!


 Title IX: is a federal law banning sex discrimination in schools. Courts have made it clear that that includes discrimination against someone because they are transgender or don’t meet gender stereotypes or expectations. Title IX applies to all schools (including both K–12 schools and colleges) that get federal money, including nearly all public schools.


AB 1266: also known as the “School Success and Opportunity Act,” requires that pupils be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs, activities, and use facilities consistent with their gender identity, without respect to the gender listed in a pupil’s records.


Education Code Section 200: It is the policy of the State of California to afford all persons in public schools, regardless of their disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race or ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic that is contained in the definition of hate crimes set forth in Section 422.55 of the Penal Code, equal rights and opportunities in the educational institutions of the state.


AB 9 Seth’s Law (2012): requires public schools to update their anti-bullying policies and programs and it focuses on protecting students who are bullied based on their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity/gender expression, as well as race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, disability, and religion.

      Requires schools to...

    • To adopt specific processes for receiving and investigating complaints of bullying

    • To take immediate steps to intervene if school personnel witness bullying, harassment, intimidation, or discrimination

    • Publicize the anti-bullying policy and complaint process

    • Post on the district website materials to support victims of bullying


The Equal Access Act requires all student organizations, such as a Gay-Straight Alliance or Pride Alliance in federally funded schools, to be treated equally. This means that public schools, or any which receive federal funding, cannot ban certain types of groups or single them out.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects personal information about students in school records, and in most cases it makes it illegal for schools to share that information with others without permission from a student or (if the student is a minor) their parents. This includes information about their transgender status or medical history.


First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects students’ freedom speech and freedom of expression. That includes the right to dress according to your gender identity, talk about being transgender openly, and express your gender in other ways.


California Family Code § 6925: Minors may receive medical care related to the prevention or treatment of pregnancy, may consent to an abortion and receive birth control without parental consent. Read the full chart of minor medical consent laws here.

Rights for LGBTQIA2S+ Athletes

Trans Athletes must petition to play sports in their identified gender
  • Intention/ Status of transition - Detailed written narrative by physician documenting the student’s transition status
  • Treatment/Therapy type - including hormone regimen and dosage, related surgery, psychological treatment/therapy, and any other medical documentation related to transition. (1 year HRT minimum)
  • Timeline - all treatments related to transition including exact date when hormone therapy began
  • Testosterone - Timeline documentation and measures of student’s levels if relevant to transition plan
  • Original Birth Certificate
  • Written acknowledgements confirming awareness of this student-athlete’s request for this process by:
    • College President, Title IX Officer, Senior Athletic Administrator, College Athletic Training Staff/ Team Doctor


"Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Title IX"

A publication of the California Community College Athletic Association Gender Equity Committee.